Source code for mowl.ontology.create

import logging
import os
from mowl.owlapi import OWLAPIAdapter
from org.semanticweb.owlapi.model import IRI

[docs]def create_from_triples( triples_file, out_file, relation_name=None, bidirectional=False, head_prefix="", tail_prefix="" ): """Method to create an ontology from a .tsv file with triples. :param triples_file: Path for the file containing the triples. This file must be a `.tsv` file and each row must be of the form (head, relation, tail). It is also supported `.tsv` files with rows of the form (head, tail); in that case the field `relation_name` must be specified. :type triples_file: str :param out_file: Path for the output ontology file. :type out_file: str :param relation_name: Name for relation in case the `.tsv` input file has only two columns. Defaults to ``None``. :type relation_name: str, optional :param bidirectional: If `True`, the triples will be considered undirected. Defaults to ``False`` :type bidirectional: bool, optional :param head_prefix: Prefix to be assigned to the head of each triple. Default is ``""``. :type head_prefix: str, optional :param tail_prefix: Prefix to be assigned to the tail of each triple. Default is ``""``. :type tail_prefix: str, optional """ if not isinstance(triples_file, str): raise TypeError("Parameter triples_file must be of type str") if not isinstance(out_file, str): raise TypeError("Parameter out_file must be of type str") if relation_name is not None and not isinstance(relation_name, str): raise TypeError("Optional parameter relation_name must be of type str") if not isinstance(bidirectional, bool): raise TypeError("Optional parameter bidirectional must be of type bool") if not isinstance(head_prefix, str): raise TypeError("Optional parameter head_prefix must be of type str") if not isinstance(tail_prefix, str): raise TypeError("Optional parameter tail_prefix must be of type str") adapter = OWLAPIAdapter() manager = adapter.owl_manager factory = adapter.data_factory ont = manager.createOntology() with open(triples_file, "r") as f: for line in f: line = tuple(line.strip().split("\t")) if len(line) < 2 or len(line) > 3: raise ValueError(f"Expected number of elements in triple to be 2 or 3. \ Got {len(line)}") if len(line) == 2 and relation_name is None: raise ValueError("Found 2 elements in triple but the relation_name field is None") if len(line) == 2: head, tail = line rel = relation_name if len(line) == 3: head, rel, tail = line head = factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(f"{head_prefix}{head}")) rel = factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(f"{rel}")) tail = factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(f"{tail_prefix}{tail}")) axiom = factory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom( head, factory.getOWLObjectSomeValuesFrom( rel, tail)) manager.addAxiom(ont, axiom) if bidirectional: axiom = factory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom( tail, factory.getOWLObjectSomeValuesFrom( rel, head)) manager.addAxiom(ont, axiom) manager.saveOntology(ont, IRI.create("file:" + os.path.abspath(out_file)))