Source code for mowl.ontology.normalize

from import OntologyNormalizer
from import IntegerOntologyObjectFactoryImpl
from import ReverseAxiomTranslator
from import Translator
from org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.parameters import Imports
from import OWLClassImpl, OWLObjectSomeValuesFromImpl, \
from org.semanticweb.owlapi.model import OWLAxiom, OWLOntology

from java.util import HashSet

import logging
from mowl.owlapi import OWLAPIAdapter

[docs]class ELNormalizer(): """This class wraps the normalization functionality found in the Java library :class:`Jcel`. \ The normalization process transforms an ontology into 7 normal forms in the description \ logic EL language. """ def __init__(self): return
[docs] def normalize(self, ontology): """Performs the normalization. :param ontology: Input ontology :type ontology: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology` :rtype: Dictionary where the keys are labels for each normal form and the values are a \ list of axioms of each normal form. """ # Type check if not isinstance(ontology, OWLOntology): raise TypeError(f"Parameter 'ontology' must be of \ type org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology. Found: {type(ontology)}") # jreasoner = JcelReasoner(ontology, False) # root_ont = jreasoner.getRootOntology() ontology = self.preprocess_ontology(ontology) root_ont = ontology translator = Translator(ontology.getOWLOntologyManager().getOWLDataFactory(), IntegerOntologyObjectFactoryImpl()) # translator = jreasoner.getTranslator() axioms = HashSet() axioms.addAll(root_ont.getAxioms()) translator.getTranslationRepository().addAxiomEntities(root_ont) for ont in root_ont.getImportsClosure(): axioms.addAll(ont.getAxioms()) translator.getTranslationRepository().addAxiomEntities(ont) intAxioms = translator.translateSA(axioms) normalizer = OntologyNormalizer() factory = IntegerOntologyObjectFactoryImpl() normalized_ontology = normalizer.normalize(intAxioms, factory) self.rTranslator = ReverseAxiomTranslator(translator, ontology) axioms_dict = self.__revert_translation(normalized_ontology) return axioms_dict
def __revert_translation(self, normalized_ontology): axioms_dict = { "gci0": [], "gci1": [], "gci2": [], "gci3": [], "gci0_bot": [], "gci1_bot": [], "gci3_bot": []} for ax in normalized_ontology: try: axiom = self.rTranslator.visit(ax) key, value = process_axiom(axiom) axioms_dict[key].append(value) except Exception as e:"Reverse translation. Ignoring axiom: %s", ax) return axioms_dict # TODO: This method is missing unit tests
[docs] def preprocess_ontology(self, ontology): """Preprocesses the ontology to remove axioms that are not supported by the normalization \ process. :param ontology: Input ontology :type ontology: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology` """ # Type check if not isinstance(ontology, OWLOntology): raise TypeError("Parameter 'ontology' must be of \ type org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology") tbox_axioms = ontology.getTBoxAxioms(Imports.fromBoolean(True)) new_tbox_axioms = HashSet() for axiom in tbox_axioms: axiom_as_str = axiom.toString() if "UnionOf" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "MinCardinality" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "ComplementOf" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "AllValuesFrom" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "MaxCardinality" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "ExactCardinality" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "Annotation" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "ObjectHasSelf" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "urn:swrl" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "EquivalentObjectProperties" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "SymmetricObjectProperty" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "AsymmetricObjectProperty" in axiom_as_str: continue elif "ObjectOneOf" in axiom_as_str: continue else: new_tbox_axioms.add(axiom) owl_manager = OWLAPIAdapter().owl_manager new_ontology = owl_manager.createOntology(new_tbox_axioms) return new_ontology
def process_axiom(axiom: OWLAxiom): # Type check if not isinstance(axiom, OWLAxiom): raise TypeError("Parameter 'axiom' must be of type org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom") subclass = axiom.getSubClass() superclass = axiom.getSuperClass() if type(subclass) == OWLObjectIntersectionOfImpl: superclass = superclass.toStringID() if superclass.contains("owl#Nothing"): return "gci1_bot", GCI1_BOT(axiom) return "gci1", GCI1(axiom) elif type(subclass) == OWLObjectSomeValuesFromImpl: superclass = superclass.toStringID() if superclass.contains("owl#Nothing"): return "gci3_bot", GCI3_BOT(axiom) return "gci3", GCI3(axiom) elif type(subclass) == OWLClassImpl: if type(superclass) == OWLClassImpl: superclass = superclass.toStringID() if superclass.contains("owl#Nothing"): return "gci0_bot", GCI0_BOT(axiom) return "gci0", GCI0(axiom) elif type(superclass) == OWLObjectSomeValuesFromImpl: return "gci2", GCI2(axiom) else:"Superclass type not recognized. Ignoring axiom: %s", axiom) else:"Subclass type not recognized. Ignoring axiom: %s", axiom)
[docs]class GCI(): """Base class for all GCI types in the :math:`\\mathcal{EL}` language""" def __init__(self, axiom): self._axiom = axiom return def __eq__(self, other): return self._axiom.equals(other._axiom) @property def owl_subclass(self): """Returns the subclass of the GCI :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression` """ return self._axiom.getSubClass() @property def owl_superclass(self): """Returns the superclass of the GCI :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression` """ return self._axiom.getSuperClass() @property def owl_axiom(self): """Returns the axiom of the GCI :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom` """ return self._axiom
[docs] @staticmethod def get_entities(gcis): """Returns all the classes and object properties that appear in the GCIs :param gcis: List of GCIs :type gcis: list :rtype: tuple(set, set) """ classes = set() object_properties = set() for gci in gcis: new_classes, new_obj_props = gci.get_entities() classes |= new_classes object_properties |= new_obj_props return classes, object_properties
[docs]class GCI0(GCI): """ GCI of the form :math:`C \\sqsubseteq D` :param axiom: Axiom of the form :math:`C \\sqsubseteq D` :type axiom: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom` """ def __init__(self, axiom): super().__init__(axiom) self._subclass = None self._superclass = None @property def subclass(self): """Returns the subclass of the GCI: :math:`C` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass` """ if not self._subclass: self._subclass = str(self.owl_subclass.toStringID()) return self._subclass @property def superclass(self): """" Returns the superclass of the GCI: :math:`D` or :math:`\\bot` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass` """ if not self._superclass: self._superclass = str(self.owl_superclass.toStringID()) return self._superclass
[docs] def get_entities(self): return set([self.subclass, self.superclass]), set()
[docs]class GCI0_BOT(GCI0): """ GCI of the form :math:`C \\sqsubseteq \\bot` :param axiom: Axiom of the form :math:`C \\sqsubseteq \\bot` :type axiom: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom` """ def __init__(self, axiom): super().__init__(axiom) if "owl#Nothing" not in self.superclass: raise ValueError("Superclass in GCI0_BOT must be the bottom concept.")
[docs]class GCI1(GCI): """ GCI of the form :math:`C \\sqcap D \\sqsubseteq E` :param axiom: Axiom of the form :math:`C \\sqcap D \\sqsubseteq E` :type axiom: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom` """ def __init__(self, axiom): super().__init__(axiom) self._left_subclass = None self._right_subclass = None self._superclass = None def _process_left_side(self): operands = self.owl_subclass.getOperandsAsList() left_subclass = operands[0].toStringID() right_subclass = operands[1].toStringID() self._left_subclass = str(left_subclass) self._right_subclass = str(right_subclass) @property def left_subclass(self): """" Returns the left operand of the subclass of the GCI: :math:`C` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass` """ if not self._left_subclass: self._process_left_side() return self._left_subclass @property def right_subclass(self): """ Returns the right operand of the subclass of the GCI: :math:`D` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass` """ if not self._right_subclass: self._process_left_side() return self._right_subclass @property def superclass(self): """ Returns the superclass of the GCI: :math:`E` or :math:`\\bot` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass` """ if not self._superclass: self._superclass = str(self.owl_superclass.toStringID()) return self._superclass
[docs] def get_entities(self): return set([self.left_subclass, self.right_subclass, self.superclass]), set()
[docs]class GCI1_BOT(GCI1): """ GCI of the form :math:`C \\sqcap D \\sqsubseteq \\bot` :param axiom: Axiom of the form :math:`C \\sqcap D \\sqsubseteq \\bot` :type axiom: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom` """ def __init__(self, axiom): super().__init__(axiom) if "owl#Nothing" not in self.superclass: raise ValueError("Superclass in GCI1_BOT must be the bottom concept.")
[docs]class GCI2(GCI): """ GCI of the form :math:`C \\sqsubseteq \\exists R.D` :param axiom: Axiom of the form :math:`C \\sqsubseteq \\exists R.D` :type axiom: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom` """ def __init__(self, axiom): super().__init__(axiom) self._subclass = None self._object_property = None self._filler = None def _process_right_side(self): object_property = str(self.owl_superclass.getProperty().toString()) filler = str(self.owl_superclass.getFiller().toStringID()) self._object_property = object_property[1:-1] if object_property.startswith("<") \ else object_property self._filler = filler @property def subclass(self): """ Returns the subclass of the GCI: :math:`C` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass` """ if not self._subclass: self._subclass = str(self.owl_subclass.toStringID()) return self._subclass @property def object_property(self): """ Returns the object property of the GCI: :math:`R` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectProperty` """ if not self._object_property: self._process_right_side() return self._object_property @property def filler(self): """ Returns the filler of the GCI: :math:`D` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass` """ if not self._filler: self._process_right_side() return self._filler
[docs] def get_entities(self): return set([self.subclass, self.filler]), set([self.object_property])
[docs]class GCI3(GCI): """ GCI of the form :math:`\\exists R.C \\sqsubseteq D` :param axiom: Axiom of the form :math:`\\exists R.C \\sqsubseteq D` :type axiom: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom` """ def __init__(self, axiom): super().__init__(axiom) self._object_property = None self._filler = None self._superclass = None def _process_left_side(self): object_property = str(self.owl_subclass.getProperty().toString()) filler = str(self.owl_subclass.getFiller().toStringID()) self._object_property = object_property[1:-1] if object_property.startswith("<") \ else object_property self._filler = filler @property def object_property(self): """ Returns the object property of the GCI: :math:`R` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectProperty` """ if not self._object_property: self._process_left_side() return self._object_property @property def filler(self): """ Returns the filler of the GCI: :math:`C` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass` """ if not self._filler: self._process_left_side() return self._filler @property def superclass(self): """ Returns the superclass of the GCI: :math:`D` or :math:`\\bot` :rtype: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass` """ if not self._superclass: self._superclass = str(self.owl_superclass.toStringID()) return self._superclass
[docs] def get_entities(self): return set([self.filler, self.superclass]), set([self.object_property])
[docs]class GCI3_BOT(GCI3): """ GCI of the form :math:`\\exists R.C \\sqsubseteq \\bot` :param axiom: Axiom of the form :math:`\\exists R.C \\sqsubseteq \\bot` :type axiom: :class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom` """ def __init__(self, axiom): super().__init__(axiom) if "owl#Nothing" not in self.superclass: raise ValueError("Superclass in GCI3_BOT must be the bottom concept.")