from import OWLSubClassOfAxiomImpl, OWLDisjointClassesAxiomImpl, \
from org.semanticweb.owlapi.model import OWLClass
from org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner import OWLReasoner
from java.util import HashSet
from functools import wraps
from mowl.owlapi.adapter import OWLAPIAdapter
import logging
def count_added_axioms(func):
def wrapper(self, owl_classes, *args, **kwargs):
axioms = func(self, owl_classes, *args, **kwargs)"Number of inferred axioms: {len(axioms)}.")
return axioms
return wrapper
class MOWLReasoner():
"""This class encapsulates some of the funcionalities in the OWLAPI. It provies methods to \
infer different types of axioms to extend a particular ontology.
:param reasoner: Reasoner that will be used to infer the axioms.
:type reasoner: This parameter has to implement the OWLAPI interface \
def __init__(self, reasoner):
if not isinstance(reasoner, OWLReasoner):
raise TypeError("Parameter reasoner must be an instance of \
self.reasoner = reasoner
self.adapter = OWLAPIAdapter()
self.ont_manager = self.adapter.owl_manager
def infer_subclass_axioms(self, owl_classes, direct=False):
"""Infers and returns axioms of the type :math:`C \sqsubseteq D`
:param owl_classes: List of OWLClass objects to be used to infer the axioms.
:type owl_class: list[:class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass`]
:param direct: If True, only direct superclasses will be inferred. Default is False.
:type direct: bool, optional
:rtype: list[:class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLSubClassOfAxiom`]
owl_classes = list(owl_classes)
if not all(isinstance(owl_class, OWLClass) for owl_class in owl_classes):
raise TypeError("All elements in parameter owl_classes must be of type \
if not isinstance(direct, bool):
raise TypeError("Optional parameter direct must be of type bool")
axioms = []
for owl_class in owl_classes:
super_classes = self.reasoner.getSuperClasses(owl_class, direct).getFlattened()
new_axioms = set(map(lambda x: OWLSubClassOfAxiomImpl(owl_class, x, []),
axioms += list(new_axioms)
return axioms
def infer_equivalent_class_axioms(self, owl_classes):
"""Infers and returns axioms of the form :math:`C \equiv D`
:param owl_classes: List of OWLClass objects to be used to infer the axioms.
:type owl_class: list[:class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass`]
:rtype: list[:class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom`]
owl_classes = list(owl_classes)
if not all(isinstance(owl_class, OWLClass) for owl_class in owl_classes):
raise TypeError("All elements in parameter owl_classes must be of type \
axioms = []
for owl_class in owl_classes:
equiv_classes = self.reasoner.getEquivalentClasses(owl_class).getEntities()
new_axiom = OWLEquivalentClassesAxiomImpl(equiv_classes, [])
return axioms
def infer_disjoint_class_axioms(self, owl_classes):
"""Infers and adds axioms of the type :math:`C` *disjoint\_with* :math:`D`
:param owl_classes: List of OWLClass objects to be used to infer the axioms.
:type owl_class: list[:class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass`]
:rtype: list[:class:`org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDisjointClassesAxiom`]
owl_classes = list(owl_classes)
if not all(isinstance(owl_class, OWLClass) for owl_class in owl_classes):
raise TypeError("All elements in parameter owl_classes must be of type \
axioms = []
for owl_class in owl_classes:
disjoint_classes = self.reasoner.getDisjointClasses(owl_class).getFlattened()
new_axiom = OWLDisjointClassesAxiomImpl(disjoint_classes, HashSet())
return axioms