
class mowl.projection.OWL2VecStarProjector(bidirectional_taxonomy=False, only_taxonomy=False, include_literals=False)[source]

Bases: ProjectionModel

Implementation of projection rules defined in [chen2020b].

Axiom of condition 1

Axiom or triple(s) of condition 2

Projected triple(s)

\(A \sqsubseteq \square r . D\)

\(D \equiv B\left|B_{1} \sqcup \ldots \sqcup B_{n}\right| B_{1} \sqcap \ldots \sqcap B_{n}\)

\(\langle A, r, B\rangle\)


\(\square r . D \sqsubseteq A\)

\(\exists r . \top \sqsubseteq A\) (domain)

\(\top \sqsubseteq \forall r . B\) (range)

\(\langle A, r, B_{i}\rangle\) for \(i \in 1, \ldots, n\)

\(A \sqsubseteq \exists r .\{b\}\)


\(r \sqsubseteq r^{\prime}\)

\(\left\langle A, r^{\prime}, B\right\rangle\) has been projected

\(r^{\prime} \equiv r^{-}\)

\(\left\langle B, r^{\prime}, A\right\rangle\) has been projected

\(s_{1} \circ \ldots \circ s_{n} \sqsubseteq r\)

\(\langle A, s_1, C_1\rangle \ldots \langle C_n, s_n, B\rangle\) have been projected

\(B \sqsubseteq A\)


\(\langle B, r d f s: s u b C l a s s O f, A\rangle\)

\(\left\langle A, rdfs:subClassOf^{-}, B\right\rangle\)



\(\langle a, r d f: t y p e, A\rangle\)

\(\left\langle A, r d f: t y p e^{-}, a\right\rangle\)

\(r(a, b)\)


\(\langle a, r, b\rangle\)

  • bidirectional_taxonomy (bool, optional) – If True then per each SubClass edge one SuperClass edge will be generated. Default is False.

  • include_literals (bool, optional) – If True the graph will also include triples involving data property assertions and annotations. Default is False.

  • only_taxonomy (bool, optional) – If True, the projection will only include subClass edges

Methods Summary


Generates the projection of the ontology.

Methods Documentation


Generates the projection of the ontology.


ontology (org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology) – The ontology to be processed.